If you go in guns blazing with no real concept of what you’re doing in terms of targeting and ad copy, you may find yourself in a hole pretty quick. It would be like going into a football game unprepared. The diagnoses for troubled and costly ads are usually not as complex as you might suspect. Marketers overspend when they: Target way too broadly Don’t implement custom audiences Don’t have a base retargeting strategy Don’t test Targeting Too Broadly This trap is easy to fall into if you’re new to Facebook advertising. Facebook boasts a ridiculously vast number of targeting options that could leave you like a dog who found its way into the cookie cabinet.
You’ll want to pay attention to a few things when you’re outlining your general targeting, but IT Numbers always keep in mind that wasted impressions are wasted money. Age Range: Make sure the age range you select is as close to your target demographic as possible. It sounds like a no-brainer, but the last thing you need is to be showing up to people who don’t understand or have any relevant use for your business. Interests Targeting vague interests that are “kind of sort of” like what your audience might be into is a mistake. If you’re selling boats, you wouldn’t want to target everyone who likes the beach. Spend the majority of your time making your targeted interests as relevant to your desired audience as possible. With interest targeting, it’s easy to get stuck in the broad-thinking mindset.
Really take the time to envision yourself as your targeted user. Brainstorm all of the possible topics relevant to this user and search for them. You’ll find that a few specific interests are better than a dozen extremely broad ones. Location: Targeting outside of your market can be another costly error. If your audience is only located in a certain state, don’t target the entire U.S. This may be one of the biggest rookie mistakes in the game because the specificity of being able to target with such impressive granularity is absent on other platforms. If your core demographic is English speaking (or any other language), you’ll certainly want to include that as well.