Below the Fold after seconds. People using Bing spend more time looking at Above the Fold than Google. On Bing, users spend around 9.8 seconds looking at Above the Fold, while on Google it stays around 7.8 seconds. [SEO Japan Commentary] *1 Above the Fold refers to the first screen area that can be viewed without scrolling when visiting a page. *2 Below-the-fold refers to the area of the screen that cannot be viewed without scrolling when visiting a page. It is the counterpart to "Above the Fold". Bing above the fold bing Google above the fold google Similarly, users spend more time looking at the first five search results on Bing than on Google. Bing users spend an average of 4.5 seconds on the first five search results. Google users, on the other hand, spend an average of 3.4 seconds looking at the first five search results. It takes longer to see the first search result on Bing than on Google. It takes Google users about 3.3 seconds to see the first search result.
Bing users start considering their first search result in about 8.8 seconds. why? Given that most Bing users look at search results before looking at other elements, it's unlikely that they're taking the time to look at other elements, such as ads. Although Google users tend to see rich text before search results, they India Phone Number still arrive at search results about 5 seconds faster than Bing users. Perhaps computer users are less familiar with Bing and take longer to figure out what is an ad and what is not. Google users spend more time looking at the first search result and less time looking at the first search ad.

Google users spend about 0.764 seconds reviewing their first search ad. If you look at the same thing with Bing users, it takes about twice as much time (1.455 seconds). Bing users spend about 0.7 seconds reviewing the first search result, while Google users spend 1.059 seconds. what does this mean? This suggests that Bing users are less familiar with Bing itself (compared to Google) and may take a little longer to distinguish between search results and ads.