Second, a backlink from a website that distributes this type of content probably won't be of much help to you. 2. Look for domains that have authority Now that you have quality content within the theme of your website, choose domains that address the same topic and that have authority . Give preference to those who are references in the sector you want to attract an audience and if they already distribute content, much better. To find out which domains publish syndicated content, you can do Google searches such as: "text originally published on" topic that interests you , in this way, you will find the domains that distribute content.
Get in touch with these domains Once you've found some interesting Phone Number List domains that you want to syndicate your content on, contact them. In the contact us section, or something like that, you will find an email or phone number through which you can send them a message and offer them your content for syndication, highlighting the potential for organic traffic . You can choose one of your contents that has had the most traffic and show them its value. The more benefits it can bring them, the easier acceptance will be.
Share your content yourself on other domains If despite that you haven't found a good place to syndicate your content, don't be discouraged, you still have other options. There are platforms where you can syndicate your material yourself . Medium, LinkedIn Pulse, Reddit, are websites where you can distribute your content. It is very simple and you can increase visibility and achieve the goals you are looking for yourself. Another way to do webcasting is by taking advantage of subscribing to RSS feeds. The RSS system allows you to distribute your content to specific sites that publish each time you make a new publication. An example is Feedly which allows readers to discover new posts that lead to the original websites.