The link refusal function - this is the official name in Italian - is known among professionals as disavow , that is, literally, " refuse to recognize ". Receiving an incoming link, in fact, is usually a recognition for a website: it means that the contents have been judged by someone as relevant and useful. But if the site from which the link comes is anything but reliable, then it is better to "disavow" it . If you have not decided to pursue the reckless and short-sighted strategy of fraudulent programs (the fifty shades of spam ranging from the exchange of paid links to the construction of external pages full of links - the doorway pages - kept up only to attract visitors) , anyone who receives an incoming link from a spam site is the innocent victim of some spammer.
Often he acts on behalf of some competitor who wants to pro Consumer Mobile number Database mote himself by damaging others (negative SEO, negative SEO ). Google does its best to remove these spam links, but the site administrator has also had the " reject link " tool available for some time . With this new function you can manually delete all links whose origin is dubious or obviously fraudulent. But in practice how do you remove certain inconvenient links ? Google itself explains it to us in its official blog 2 .
If there are some links that you cannot remove, then you can use this tool: Once the page is open, you need to select the site that you previously inserted into the Google page Webmaster Tools : Then, the loading of a text document with the list of all the sites that you want to "disavow". The format of the document is very simple: reject-link Reject Google links # Contacted the owner of dominiospammone1.com on 1/7/2012 to ask him to remove the link, but received no response domain:dominiospammone1.com # The owner of removed the links, but forgot these.